Interesting Problems
These are some open problems that I find interesting. For some of these, I have tried solutions, but they did not work well enough. All of them feels solvable.
Broad problems
- How could knowledge asymmetry be resolved (given that information asymmetry is substantially solved) so that people know what they need to improve their circumstances
- How could the problem of children who do not have a viable family be solved, and perhaps even of adults, such that they have one of the most fundamental social structures necessary for progress and even survival
- What could be a system or structure to address the needs of people with disability, considering that individual agency should be maintained, and the market economy largely fails to substantially address this sector
Narrow problems
- What could be an effective system to offset the differences in competency of lawyers of opposing parties, given that these differences have substantial bearing on the outcome
- How could a car seat belt be designed so that it is more suited for the body of women, and meeting economic parameters, allowing then to use it consistently and without discomfort
Some specific problems and conceptual solutions
Lift Sensing and Tracking System