Hey there!
My name is Reuben Jacob. Thanks for being here.
I recently started publishing essays here - mostly transferred posts from an old blog as well as notes that fed a note-making habit of many years. I am hoping that these articles, along with some context - my views and influences - would help potential future collaborators know me a little better from afar, as well as drive me to be more consistent about writing for publishing.
Now, if you don’t want to bother reading up, and want a hyper-condensed take: I am a human and an aspiring transhuman and interstellar traveler. After a few more decades here on earth to finish some projects, maybe fix some problems that I think need fixing, and show up for some pre-committed roles, I pack my bags. And then it’s Ad Astra!. I am counting on SpaceX or one of its successors to arrange the transport by the time I am all set. This is not entirely stated in jest.
On a more serious note, I work mostly in tech - because its a very long lever and a fulcrum, I am skilled at it, and it doesn’t feel like work. And impact matters.
I currently live in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Would you be interested in collaborating on one of my current projects or help solve any of the problems that I care about? Would love to hear from you!
DMs are open at X/Twitter